Sunday, October 21, 2007

Module 6: Library Literature--Pearl Citataion Building Approach

I preformed a Pearl Citation Building search in the Library Literature database through Wilson Web.
Starting with the article, “Coming Together for Children: a Guide to Early Childhood Programming,” I found the Subject Heading of Children's library services/Services to pre-school children.

I used this subject heading for my first search.
S1 = Children's library services/Services to pre-school children SU = 280

The new subject headings that appeared included: Children’s library services/Services to pre-school children and Children s reading/Projects. I used these two subject headings to revise my search and came up with 17 hits.
S2 = (Children’s library services/Services to pre-school children) SU AND (Children s reading/Projects) SU = 17

First Hit: Reflection on Search: I feel pretty good about this search. All of the articles do relate to children’s literacy programs in libraries, and many of them relate specifically to preschool and infant early literacy programs. I have discovered through my research that Multnomah County in Oregon has done a great deal of early literacy programming.

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